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Tasuki the Visual Bloke

Content: Your diary mainly consists of the happenings in your daily life. Many of them were interesting, for example this, and I know how you feel! A mouse in the house!! Horror of horrors!

The one thing that I liked was that you have a side note in most of your entries. These were really interesting. Sometimes, even more interesting than the actual entry itself. In the entries, you tell people a lot about yourself, about what happened in your life, but somehow I couldn�t quite get into your diary.

Content Score: 25/40

Layout: The layout isn�t too bad, not something I would like, but yes, it isn�t too bad. The colour of the scrollbar especially intrigued me. I like the way you put your imood link on the top, as well as the date and time. What I don�t quite like about this layout is the navigation. Some of the comics and rants and stuff can be classified under extras. But the layout is all right.

Layout Score: 12/20

Emotions: You often seem excited while you write, including me into your enthusiasm. You seem excited, but few of your entries revealed your emotions. This was one of the rare few.

Emotions Score: 5/20

Extras: 100 facts, profile, cast, art, reviews, rings, and much, much more.

Extras Score: 12/10

Links: A text link and it�s working.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: Email, guestbook, notes, and a notify list.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 64/100


Favourite Entry: None

Favourite Quote: Nothing in life brings quite as much pleasure as watching children at play.

Comments: I just couldn't quite get into your diary. I couldn't relate to you and get into your world. The descriptions should be more delicate and explicit in order to bring your reader into your world, so that they can communicate with you.

Reviewed by: Charlene

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