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For Every Tear ...There's a Thought ...v 3.0

Content: The first three entrys I read weren't much. You kinda just told what happend and talked about you and John. And the first one on here was 102 places to have sex...but I kept reading. You haven't had your diary very long, but you've come along nicely. Your entrys are mainly short and don't go into much emotion. I know once you start getting your diary up and running you'll get more emotional and attached to your diary. So you'll want to write more and write more deeply. Just keep working on it. (20/40)

Layout: Great layout, not one I would have picked personally, but good one. By Pixel Scripts. I don't really like the picture, but the colors go so well together and there is tons of space for links and extra stuff. You have a tagboard that goes nicely with the layout. They all do though....

So, basically I like it...for you. Just not for myself. (15/20)

Emotions: Like I said in the "Content" you just haven't had your diary very long. You'll get more emotional and just want to spill your guts. Like you write about how you want a more "personal" diary and you are trying to keep it really personal so that no one will know how you really feel. Try to open up more (10/20)

Extras: You have tons and tons of extras!! (15/10)

Link: A text link on the pending and hey it even works!! (5/5)

Contact: 4 ways of getting ahold of you! And they all work (5/5)

Total: (70/100)


Favorite Entry: This was my favorite entry. I love how you wrote in this. Try it more often ok??

Favorite Quote: On to more -grown up- news..

Comments: I really tried to get into your diary, so don't take it wrong or anything. I know you will have a great diary once you get up and starting! Just start writing for yourself and don't try to care what other people think of your writing or whatever. I have had everything from people telling me they love my entrys to people saying they are total shit. It's just whoever is reading the entry's opinion. And this is just me. You should come back in a couple of months once you have your diary up and running and going and everything and get another review!! I would love to see how everything turns out!!

Good luck!

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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