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Content: LOL Very interesting. I don't think you talk about Cory too much. He's your boyfriend, you're 15, you're allowed to talk about him. About the big words, don't use them. You don't need them. They clutter things, so unless you use them in every day conversations, don't use them in your diary. I think your vocabulary is very nice for a 15 year old, or any teenager for that matter. You have no problems there!

This was confusing lol. I suppose you had to get it all out, but I was so lost. You probably could have explained that a little better. If you had it would have been way more interesting, and I probably would have gone "OH man, what a witch" lol or something. Anyhow, explain things better!

These dialogs are great to read. They give readers examples of your real life; a personal thing that normally only you hear.

Quote:"stop using 'lol'" I've been told that before as well when someone reviewed my diary. Some reviewers are just picky people with nothing else better to do. I wouldn't listen to them about the "lol" thing. They'll get over it eventually when they realize it's just your style.

Not everyone has a purpose for starting a diary. I don't, and I know a ton of other people don't either. The only thing having a "purpose" will get you is boring entries about the same thing.

My parents used to do the same thing, and I'm sure everyone else's do (maybe not to that extent). People really relate to that and it keeps the reader there out of curiosity.

This was pretty cute. Not many people help freshmen out.

I didn't really like the band camp entries that much, I think because you had so much going on that you lost your emotion in trying to tell it all. Your entries became factual and to the point rather than a fact, then a ponder, fact, and then ponder. I like how you evaluate things in the other entries.

Write more about the sugar glider! I had no idea you could keep them as pets. I wanna know more about it personally. I know what the site says, but how is it going in your house?

Content Score: 36/40

Layout: The "August" link goes to Older7.html, but it should go to "older.html" since we're in August right now. You have 2 entries on the "Older7.html" page that I'm not sure should be there. Save the Older7 page for later when you have to archive August.

The layout's very simple, but very striking. The girl stares at you while you read... which is intimidating but kind of funny. I like it, lots of grays. Your diary layout can often change the way your diary reads. So it may make your diary sound a little darker than it actually is. However, it does go well with everything. I like it a lot.

Layout Score: 19/20

Emotions: You express your emotions well, but you were a little lacking in the emotions department in general, because you don't really express much emotion other than anger and loneliness. However that's what being 15's all about.

Emotions Score: 15/20

Extras: Yep, on the reviews and extras page. Just enough, though you might want to add more as you go.

Extras Score: 10/10

Link: Yep, it's there and it works.

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: tagboard, notes, email, guestbook, aim. Incredibly stalkable.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total: 90/100 - you may join the sweet gold ring!


Favorite Entry: didn't really have one

Favorite Quote: "11. Why do you read other peoples diary's?

Just making sure I'm not the only crazy person out there who tells all their secrets to the entire world."

Comments: I read from the latter part of June until today's date, so yeah, I didn't read any older entries. Most people don't like for reviewers to read those. I really enjoyed your diary and I hope you keep writing. Write more about the sugar glider!! lol.

Reviewed By:: Judith

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