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This is my heart... Bleeding before you...

Content: It seems like you ramble a bunch, and that's fine but you never go in too deep about the topics you bring up. But I like your poetry a bunch. One of them is here. I don't think you have too long paragraphs so that's good. Okay, like I was saying, you don't go into detail much about what happens or about your feelings. Like when you did that job interview, it'd be cool if I knew how you felt when answering some questions the person asked. What do you think made them not hire you right away? I would've liked to know more about the circumstances behind finding your soulmate.. Mostly what you say makes me want to know more! I love it when you go in detail about anything, but it doesn't last for very long. Ooh, but I loved the play mash game online. And I love the movie Almost Famous as well. Wow, you wrote this? It was great. (30/40).

Layout: It's a lot of pink words on black but I really like it. I love the beautiful wolf picture and it's cool how the photo is shaped as well as the background on it. You have a link to the image as well as designer (r designs) which is nice. I really like how the entry, your i am (you spelled lonely "lonley" so should fix that) and currently section, thanks have little tiny hot pink arrows going up and down that serve as the scroll bar. It just looks much more organized that way. I think you should put visits part one line higher so people know there's more after thanks. The link entitled "Link" doesn't work. I would also suggest you you put Reviews and Diary Rings in a separate page and link them on to the top of the page (that would look good) so everything's not at the bottom of entries. But other than that, it's lovely. And cool, your archives look organized and neat too. Plus, that "Dreamt of a wolf" font and color sooo prettiful! I really love this layout. (18/20).

Emotions: There were a couple of entries that showed great promise of emotion, especially your poems and when you delved deeper but for the most part there wasn't a ton. (12/20).

Extras: Plenty. You should links to them all at the top though and make separate pages for Reviews and Rings. (10/10).

Link: Yes, it's there. (5/5).

Contact: Email, books, notes. (5/5).

Total: 80/100.


Favorite Entry: This about your dream was quite interesting. And this was good.

Favorite Quote: he's absolutley beautiful, and we are so alike its beyond words and its not funny. We are open and honest with each other and its great to have someone who thinks the same as you-- that is, totally differently to everyone else, definition- weird. I havent seen him in so long and.....omigod, he just came online, wow, im so happy! :D

Comments: It was a pleasure to go through your diary. The layout rocks!

You're eligible to apply for Sweet Silver Diary Ring.

Reviewed by Kathy

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