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There�s someone in my head, but it�s not me!

Content: Your diary mainly concentrates on your feelings. You write about things that matter a lot. You write about things that are serious, and in it you give a reflection of what you are. You write about depression and about self-mutilation and how you feel about yourself and about things that happen around you. These were very good. In fact, your diary is extremely interesting in many ways.

Your diary takes us on a journey of your history, for often, you tell us about your past. I like it that you provide substantial background for yourself, and through this diary, at least I am able to say that I know you better.

Content Score: 37/40

Layout: The only thing I liked about this layout is that it�s scrollbar had a fascinating colour. Other than that, the layout is far too messy for words. Everything was very disorganized, and it was hard for me to find what I wanted! Perhaps you can classify all your rings under a rings page, and your reviews under a reviews page. It would be so much better that way. Also, your �older� page isn�t working.

Layout Score: 7/20

Emotions: Very intense emotions were expressed in this diary. You are good at expressing your emotions, which is why I found your diary so capturing.

Emotions Score: 17/20

Extras: Rings, profile, links, and reviews.

Extras Score: 8/10

Links: A working button.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: Tagboard. Where is your guestbook? Notes? Email?

Contact Score: 1/5

Total Score: 75/100


Favourite Entry: They were all very good. I couldn't decide.

Favourite Quote: Remembering is one thing, and memories can be lovely. But it becomes disconcerting when in the middle of a lesson, usually maths, or sometimes economics, your surroundings change. Suddenly your senses are telling you vividly that you're on a different continent - somewhere where you would love to be. The pictures don't move, and the people in them don't speak, but they spring unbidden to your mind with uncanny clarity. You can feel the cold of an autumn day in London - could the aircons in maths be a little strong? The pictures come from different places, but for some reason it's always England. Sometimes they even make you cry. This passage is beautiful. Your writing is profound and deep. I read it a couple of times.

Comments: Your diary is extremely well written. You are very talented and I like the way you describe your emotions. Unfortunately, it was your layout that pulled your score down.

Reviewed by: Charlene

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