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::I'm okay::

Content: Okay, I think you have more content than my diary! I have had my diary for 3 years - that is a lot of content. Even your titles are packed with content. I am in awe by your content! :) The great thing though is that it is not empty sentences or paragraphs. They are full of emotions. That is awesome. I can't even pick one they are all "chak-a-block" full. ;) It's your life. It's your diary.

Content Score: 40/40

Layout: Well, of all the Christina layouts your's is perhaps one of the better ones. However, your text does not fit in the box(es). Your titles are so long that is makes your archive page really hard to navigate through. Perhaps, putting something larger and more noticable than a hyphen to indicate seperate entries would make it easier to navigate through.

Layout Score: 13/20

Emotions: A lot of emotions. You seem to cover everything. You talk about how you feel and you talk about how you feel and you talk about how feeling makes you feel. It's a lot of stuff. Great job!

Emotions Score: 20/20

Extras: Cast, reviews, bio, love / hates, guestbook, notes, reviews.

Extras Score: 10/10

Link: It is there; it works. Hey!

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: Email, guestbook, notes.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 93/100


Comments: You can join the Sweet Gold ring! Woohoo for you!

Reviewed By: Blair

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