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requesting some enlightenment

Content: You have written a lot of entries! And to tell you the truth, I'd love to sit here and read every single one. Your entries are usually pretty long, but that doesn't mean they're boring. I love that you're not afraid to tell it like it is. I don't feel like you're editing things out to protect yourself. You lay it all out there for us to read. Your honesty is refreshing. I started out by reading your very first entry. At the end of it, you encourage the reader to continue to read because it's going to get more interesting. And it does! You definitely have a lot to talk about. I like the way you write. It's easy to read. I felt like you were writing mainly for yourself, but you didn't forget that there were other people reading. It was nice to read a diary where the author found a way to engage the readers, but still make it seem like a diary. The only thing that bothered me was the 'net slang. (i.e. "LOL, OMG, etc.") But, it's your diary. (36/40)

Layout: Credit goes to Linsay Designs I think this layout fits your journal perfectly. It just seems to set the mood for your entries. I love monochromatic layouts. My only complaint about your layout is the text size. I found it hard to read. I like to sit back in my chair and read at my leisure, but in this case I was forced to sit close to the screen. But hey, it might just be me getting old. ;) (18/20)

Emotions: You most certainly aren't lacking in the 'emotions' area. You expose a wide variety of them. I did notice that you seem to be sad a lot. But I'm not putting you down for it... In fact, I think it's great that you have somewhere to vent when you're feeling less than perfect. I really, truly, and honestly hope that things work out for you. I admire the fact that you express what you're feeling so freely. It seems to flow very naturally. (16/20)

Extras: Guestmap (which I absolutely loved...), Hits (some of these are hilarious!), Cast (nicely done!), Rings, Reviews, Tag, 100 Things, Vote. Plenty of things to keep this reviewer busy! And entertained. (10/10)

Link: On the "Reviews" page. Right where it should be. ;) (5/5)

Contact: Notes, Guestbook, E-mail, AIM. If I needed to, I could get in touch with you. (4/5)

Total: (89/100)


Favorite Entry: This was my favorite entry, just because I thought your story about making fun of Nick's dad's major was so funny. It reminded me of something I would do. You make it easy for people to identify with you.

Favorite Quote: "I�m very indecisive. I think�" From your100 things list.


"Soon I'll be the old cranky lady that comes through my line at walmart, who's really slow, (really slow), bites my head off, and cant figure out how to use the debit machine (even though I *know* they've been through my line three times this week.)." From this entry.

Comments: I enjoyed reviewing your diary. It was very easy to get into, and once I started reading, I had a hard time stopping. You've got a natural way of making it easy for people to understand you. You also make it hard for people to not care about you. (Which is exactly why I'll be back to check up on you!) Great job.

Reviewed by Lindsay

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