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a spoonful of random: v.9pretty in purple

Content: (28/40) I�m sorry to say, but your diary was not interesting at all. I got to 20 or so of your entries, and just couldn�t continue. Your writing style is different, and your own, but it makes hardly an sense to me. You ramble, and carry on with pointless topics. Your diary is a little girl diary, as a refer to them � a simple, today I ate �this�, and saw a man wearing �this�� ZzZzzZz!

Layout: (10/20) Your layout is boring, but blue is nice, I like blue. But to me, you aren�t a soft blue color, more a firey red, or black � dark purple, if you would. The layout is plain, but neatly organized.

Emotion: (15/20) You have your own way of showing emotions, and that is good, in some cases. You�re very �wordy�� you don�t quit get to the point of your feelings � you use many words to describe it, and you associate a lot of things with your feelings. Sometimes it�s nice to just say �I�m pissed�� or �I�m extremly excited� .. it�s easy reading, and then the reader can follow your feelings, instead of searching for a specific emotion.

Extras: (8/10) your diary has a guestbook, a diaryland profile, a schedual, email, aol, notes. Good� but no cool links or anything that interests you.

Link:(0/5) You do not have a link for us, and you �do not care� � well, fine.

Contact: (5/5) Easy enough to get ahold of you, good enough for me.

TOTAL: 66/100

Reviewed by: Ashley

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