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draggin' on through words.....

Content: This is an all-poetry diary and I am in total awe of the way you can write so eloquently in these entries and make every single one a poem, as well as still have your own poetry site. I didn't really like how you made likes/dislikes with the __ in between each thing you like or don't like. Looks like too many of those. It's fine if you just list it.

You have such a wide range of vocabulary and your words are so vivid, interesting. Though some, like this weren't my favorites because they were simple, it still had a charming quality to it and it's creative. Your style is definitely different and fun to read, though it got repititive sometimes. You're still an incredible writer though I didn't feel like I knew you better or had any idea of what is going on in your life in the usual way. I know your poems supposedly or might reflect what is going on in true life, but I don't know for sure because in your introduction, it's more practice for you. I love the detail found in your poems and that it truly paints a picture. (38/40).

Layout: I love it, I love it, I love it. And to make it even better, I believe you're the designer as well. Oh, okay found out that design's from Stun Designs but "severely altered by yourself." The colors on the picture are light, and great combo, and of course that girl looks pretty sexxy and all that. I like the soft rug she's on. The thick black line around picture, entry, and links looks neat and organized. Links in light blue are gorgeous and I like how there's a box of sheer blue over it when putting mouse over main links. It's all just lovely! (20/20).

Emotions: You're not lacking here. A lot of your poems are filled with raw emotion, like here and many more. (19/20).

Extras: Bio, one word, poetry site, profile, rings, site, reviews, links. I'm sure you'll add more as time goes on, since this is a fairly new diary. (8/10).

Link: Yes it is linked and works. (5/5).

Contact: Aim, email, notes. And you have guestbook which is great. Should put it in contact part of extras, even though it's on template already. (5/5).

Total: 95/100.


Favorite Entry: I liked this one and this.

Favorite Quote: pretty butterfly
it must be painful
to rip through your skin
to spread your wings
take flight
your pain is your beauty
how beautiful you are
and also how fragile
I bet it feels oh so good
to become someone new
by dying and born anew
the pain is the pleasure

Comments: Excellent job. Keep it up and you may join the Sweet Platinum ring!

Reviewed by Kathy

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