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Unjane: Join the "Hate My Life" club...

Content: Sometimes your entries were interesting and sometimes I found myself getting a little bored. For the most part though, your writing is truthful and honest, and it seems like you really do use your diary to organize your thoughts and figure out what happens next in your life, which is great. I could relate to some of your entries, particularly the ones that were deeper and more personal than others. I understand that you have private entries that probably contain more of that personal stuff, so it�s not like you skimp out on it. You have great spelling and grammar which always makes me smile :). I like your writing but I think it needs some more detail and depth. (30/40)

Layout: Wow. I absolutely love your layout. And you made it yourself with an image by gettyimages. Very impressive. Everything flows, links work and the archive page is organized. (23/20)

Emotions: There are emotions, but I think there were plenty of opportunities where you could have expanded on your thoughts, feelings, etc. This, this, and this were great emotional entries; keep writing like that. (15/20)

Extras: Rings, reviews, other diaries, pictures, cast, quizzes. It would be awesome if you could start a site for designing some more templates. (11/10)

Link: Yep. (5/5)

Contact: ICQ, AIM, Yahoo, e-mail, gbook, notes. (5/5)


Fave Entry: This one. It felt like I could relate to it (also one of the good emotional entries).

Fave Quote: �I cry during Shrek everytime I see it, still.� *sniff sniff* me too�

Comments: You have a nice diary that doesn�t deserve to get shut down, as you had thought about doing so a few times. Hope things work out in Tampa, and don�t stop writing.

You are eligible to join the Silver Diaryring at SweetReviews!

Reviewed by: Linda

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