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and all the roads we have to walk are winding

CONTENT: Beautiful writing. I felt for ya as soon as I read one or two of your entries. You are so good at explaining thoughts, feelings, and the like, and it seems like you're the type of person that I can get to know real easily, just through reading your entries. I understand your situation with "the boy" and it made me feel connected to you entirely, because personally I know what that situation feels like. I like how you never give "the boy" a name. It adds to the curiosity and made me want to read more.
In the grammar and spelling sense, you write exceptionally well and of course that gives you extra points, because part of reading a diary is being able to actually read it. (45/40)

LAYOUT: Hmm, I'm not sure who made your layout. I read in one of your entries that people helped you with HTML and image-hosting, so maybe your friends made it for you, but I'm a bit unclear and I can't give full-credit unless I specifically know who made the template. BUT you do have Coldplay in your template and I love Coldplay so ya get an extra point or two there :) The links are organized and they all work. The dividing of the words onto separate lines was a little confusing at first, but it's different and I figured it was part of the look. (14/20)

EMOTIONS: You convey your emotions very, very well. You not only talk about how you feel on the inside, you talk about how you make yourself appear to others on the outside (like to "the boy", for instance). I love how you use metaphors and similes to explain your thoughts and opinions about things. It is obvious that there is a lot that runs through your head everyday and it's wonderful that you share it with the world. (22/20)

EXTRAS: Hmm not really any extras except for a couple websites you like, but I do like the glossary that you added to help explain the people you talk about in your diary. Nice touch.(6/10)

LINK: Yep it's there, with one of the pretty buttons, too :) (5/5)

CONTACT: Notes. A guestbook or e-mail address could be helpful. (3/5)


Fave Entry:Can't pick a favorite, they are all unique and intriguing.

Fave Quote: "do i *really* have five people in the world that love me enough to die for me? i started thinking if i would die for anyone. for five people. does it make me a horrible person if i don't want to die for anyone? i want to die for me." Oh, how often I have thought the same thing. You're not alone.

Oh, and this one too: "i scare myself a lot because i feel like i judge my own self-worth completely on how other people feel about me. i'm incredibly dependent and clingy. anytime a boy even remotely shows interest in me, i start going crazy, practically planning our wedding in my head. i really need to learn to play it cool, or something." Haha I think we're like soul-sisters or something, we feel the exact same things. Hope it doesn't freak you out lol. Are you a Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio by any chance? You seem like at least one of those.

Comments: It was great reading your diary, and I think I'm going to add it to my personal favorite diaries list. Keep up the writing; I look forward to reading more.

Congratulations! You scored high enough to earn a GOLD RING membership at SweetReviews.

Reviewed by: Linda

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