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you make me smile

CONTENT: WoW! The first entry I read was really really long. You didn't go into much detail on how you felt, but you did go into detail on what you did. I like really long entrys so it was a good one to start with. You sometimes go into how you feel...sometimes. But I like how you write. You seem like a pretty laid back girl that likes to have fun and really does lover her boyfriend...and family and friends! I think if I knew you, and I was the same age...we would probably be friends. 30/40

LAYOUT: This layout is great!!! I love the picture and I really like the colors. The colors of the blanket and the gray in the background really go nice together!! That would have been something I would have chosen for my own layout. One thing that is kind of confusing is that when I go to some of your older entries you have like 3 different layouts. A blue one, a brown one, and a black one!! I have no clue what is going on there....Maybe you changed your layout and they haven't swithced yet?? Well anyway, sinse I like all of them SO much, I won't count off ; ) 22/20

EMOTIONS: You don't really write with much emotion. You tell how your day was and you always seem cheery!! Now, if I could give you points on if you told about IN DETAIL what you would get really high markings. Just try to find a topic and just spill your guts about it!!! 10/20

EXTRAS: You have lots and lots of extras!!! 12/10

LINK: Yup! It's just too cute, and hey! It works! 5/5

CONTACT: Oh ya!! I know I can get ahold of you! 5/5

TOTAL: 84/100


FAVORITE ENTRY: This was very informative and very amusing!

FAVORITE QUOTE: "Sure it can be a boring hellhole sometimes but I have to admit it is beautiful when it wants to be"

COMMENTS: You have a really good diary and I love your layout choices! Those are way cute. I will for sure come back and see how you are doing. For all the diarys I have been reviewing latley...this has been one of my favorites!! ; )

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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