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Re-review. Old Review


California Dreamin'

Content: I started with this entry. I like how you said you want to get some things on how to make your diary better. That's what I'll help you with, I won't be harsh on what you've written about. Eveyone has their own techniques on writing in their diary. I'll just help you with that...

Every entry I read you are always so happy!! You seem like such a cool person to be with, someone that is always smiling and always laughing. Your entries aren't deep or anything like that but they usually put a smile on my face. You use great spelling and everything like that. You sometimes goof but who doesn't? You do sometimes use "g2g" like that and such but it's not overused at all.

Your diary is maily just to write about day to day things. Like you said, that's what you do. Sometimes you don't have real exciting things to write about. Your diary made me laugh and it wasn't bad at all. I enjoyed reading it. Things you could to to make it better:

1) Write with more emotion. About anything, you don't have to have something big happen in your life. You could write about how much you love your family to how awesome chocolate is.

2) Try to not stick to day to day things, or if you do...write in depth about what happened or what you felt about them.

Those are just somethings you could do to make your entries more interesting for people to read. But your diary is yours so you write for yourself. You can write whatever the heck you wanna write! Those are just tips to make it more interesting! Good luck~

Content Score: 28/40

Layout: Very blue, really blue. The picture of the guy is really cool and the colors go great together. There is tons of room for links and you have room for your entry too. It is all really organized and neat. You have all your older entries archived, I like how you did it. All the seasons, adds a little origonality to your diary. There aren't any broken links or whatnot, looks good!

Layout Score: 20/20

Emotions: You could probably use more of this. You could do it, but you said you don't have much to write about. You write about day to day things. But one emotion you do use a lot of is happiness! You alwa sseem to think things are awesome and always tend to be happy. So, I have to give you credit for that!

Emotions Score: 10/20

Extras: A whole extras page and then you have more links on the navigation!! You put lots into this diary. Awesome. But I really loved your Top 10 hot guys!! I agree with you ; )

Extras Score: 15/10

Link: Yup, under the "pending reviews" page.

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: Tag, Notes, E-mail and guestbook.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total: 83/100 - not bad!


Favorite Entry: Didn't have one :

Favorite Quote: "Well yesterday was Canada Day! I AM CANADIAN! haha! Yeah, it was a pretty good day."

Comments: You have a good diary. It was fun to read because you were always happy and it made me happy to read your diary!! I hope you take those things into consideration. You don't have to use emotion in what you write about, I always think it's fun if you do sometimes but you don't have to. You have a good start, and you can always come back for a different review! Writing will get easier! Good luck~

Reviewed By:: Lyndsey

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