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Old Review


This is my life. Isn't it perect?

Content: Your entries are interesting. You don't use "I" and "me". You use "You feel" and such. I've never seen that done in a diary and I like it. Your entries were really good to read because you really showed how you felt. You showed great emotion and depth into what you were writing about. Your cast page was really funny by the way...

One thing I like is how you end entry entry with "This is my life". It just is cool. You make your diary more yours every time you add something like that to it. Your diary has never been bad and I've never not liked to read it. Your entries have grown and you've gotten to be a better writer sinse the last time I reviewed you. Your entries caught me in a way that most diaries don't. You kept me reading more and more. I read so much of your diary and I really did like it all. Of course, everyone has the minor goof up of spelling or something like that. Everyone does. "Today you hanged out with rachel." (hung) Just try and work on that. That's one thing that bugs me, not using correct English. My biggest pet peve. If you go back a little farther in your diary you use "I" and stuff. Most of your diary made me laugh. You had tons of different elements in it that just make it a good diary. So, I liked it! You have some things to work on. Try a little bit more emotion, something really deep. Like your secret boyfriend and how much you like him. Or even about a sunrise and how pretty it was. You can make emotion out of anything if you try!! Good luck.

Content Score: 30/40

Layout: First look, so so cute! Just the whole idea of the layout is so cute. I like how it says "Get lost in perfect eyes". I don't know, I just really liked it. The colors are cute, I don't see much of yellow and orange. The writing is really pretty and it's accually big enough to read! I hate diaries that their font is so small you can't read it. I like how it has your username in it too. It makes the layout and the diary a little mit more yours when something like that is in the layout. The navigation is all really good and I don't see any broken links. Awesome. Layout Credit: Lust Designs.

Layout Score: 22/20

Emotions: It's probably easier to express your feelings not using "I" and "me". You said in my favortie entry that it's hard for you to express your feelings so that's why you have this diary. I think you're doing a really good job of it so far. You might be able to a bit more or leave it at this. Not all diaries are meant for heart throbing emotions!! Maybe yours isn't, you could always try.

Emotions Score: 15/20

Extras: Cast, bio, AIM, fans, "Last 5", and Notify List! Nice.

Extras Score: 7/10

Link: Yup, it's there. I like the link too : )

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: Tag, Notes, E-mail, Guestbook and AIM

Contact Score: 6/5

Total: 85/100 You can join the Sweet Silver diary ring!


Favorite Entry: This one. This one was really funny too.

Favorite Quote: "Why do you have to be so sweet. Why do you have to be more innocent than most your friends. Why? WHY?! If only... But that is just a dream. You must remain the innocent girl everyone loves."

I think the old review had a quote sort of like this a way.

Comments: I really liked reading your diary. You've put lots of origional flare into it that I like. Your entries have gotten more interesting to me and you've improved on a whole heck of a lot of stuff! I give you tons of props for that. It looks like you've really spent time on your diary and it shows. So keep up the good work!! I'll be back.

Reviewed By:: Lyndsey

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