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WOW! I have been totally overwhelmed here with reviews! This is the most we've ever had!!

*Thanks to our banners! ; )

But anyway. Ok I really hate to be the bad guy. But I have to set down rules.

I've been really really nice about telling the people that don't have links up telling them that they need a link or letting it slip by and stuff. If you are on the pending page, and the reviewer that has your diary sees that you don't have a link up! Well....too bad for you.

I have had to tell so many people to put a link up and all this. I hate it! So I hate to be the bad review host but you must have a link!!

Read the rules and the scoring!! You must. There is stuff on there that you need to know. If you don't say the secret words/phrases, we won't tell you and you won't be reviewed.

The diarys already on the pending list are getting away. Everything after what is on there as of today, must have a link and on the request MUST say "I'm sweet". I'm taking of the "Rock and Roll Baby" Because no one is putting it on there anyway

So sorry, but this is what is has come to.

*Note to reviewers

You must see if the diary you are about to review has a link...if can't review them. And don't tell them. Thank you!

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