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Old Review


<0 Cheer! 0>

Content: Your writing has gotten a lot better sinse the last time I reviewed you. You say here that you feel like you can't say some stuff because of certain people critisizing you. They don't materr, your diary is YOUR diary, not theres! Don't care what they think about it. Write all your feelings and if you write something bad about them, it's there fault for being mean. hehe

Your entrys are really long, it might be the layout but they seem very long. You are writing more in depth and talking about how you feel. Some of them can get boring, but you are still young. Being a really good writer takes a really long time. I'm still working on it and I know you'll get better! (30/40)

Layout: This layout fits you perfectly. You seem like a very happy, peppy, loud kind of girl. The perfect girl to be a cheerleader! *Which you are* I think it's cool that you found a layout that really suits you. I really like the different font used on the words in the "I Am" section. It's a very well made layout, and plus it really fits you!! (20/20)

Emotions: You are getting so much better at expressing your feelings. Just take something that you really love, like Chandler for instance. And write a whole entry on him. It would be very deep. There is more emotion than there was before and you're getting deeper. I know that you can do better though! You have tons of potential just use it to it's best ability!! (15/20)

Extras: You have tons of extras!! Lots and lots. (11/10)

Link: It's there! Under your "Review" link. (5/5)

Contact: 3 ways to contact you!! I know I can "stalk" you. hehe (5/5)

Total: 86/100

Favorite Entry: I know exactly how you feel! I feel like that a lot, sometimes even about myself. It will get much better, I promise! You or your friend or whoever will find a group or a girl that they love and they won't have to be accepted they will just know that they are!

Favorite Quote: I may not have enjoyed my first year of middle school that much. WAIT! CHECK THAT! I LOVED MY FIRST YEAR OF MIDDLE SCHOOL!

Comments: You have a much better diary. Your diary will come to you with time and you'll find your writing style. If you just want to use it for day to day events that's great! But writing with emotion is such a great stress reliver. When I get tense or I feel like I have to write about something that really bugs me, I come to my computer. It helps a lot. The layout is great and over all you have a better diary! You'll get to be a much better writer and I"ll come back to make sure of it! ; )

Good Luck! And hey, you are even able to join the "Sweet Silver" Diary Ring!!

Good job!

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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